For Superior Nutrition
” H . O . P . E “
Enzy mes
The immortal words of Hippocrates, the famous Naturopath and Father of Medicine, apply here:
“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be food”
Start with
just one RAW nutrient packed meal,
test how you feel,
If it feels good have another
Find more meals you would like to eat
Understand Why? Raw = Medicine,
have hot food only for the sedated comfort or taste occationaly but remember the truth, Raw foods are complete, so we can digest them and we merge with “Electric Living Nutrition”
“Phytochemicals; the most important aging reversing, disease recovery nutrient ever discovered , Are destroyed when cooked” Brian Clemont Hypocritis Health Institute
“Life is too short not to eat raw and it’s even shorter if you don’t.”
― Marie Sarantakis
With Raw organic electric living food you know you are not ingesting man made chemicals to increase shelf life & have your body & mind craving more consuming your thoughts
Also restore your Circadian Rythem, first to heal faster
Why include some raw foods?
My current opinion on why I’m mostly raw
Talks on the power of Raw for healing
Raw Meal Inspration
Raw Recipes
Why are wheatgrass, edible weeds, and tropical fruits at the top of the list? Because they have the most sunlight, or lifeforce energy, in them. In this system, we recognize that all life on the planet comes from the sun. It is collected by plants in the form of ultraviolet rays, which is energy. The ratings of the listed foods are based on the radiance they contain and emit. Higher levels of food have greater radiance, because their cells are capable of capturing and maintaining greater amounts of the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Sun’s Healing / Photosynthesis & Human energy Systems
Ballanced Gut Ballanced Hormones & Formenting foods
Help your lymphatic System
Natural Healing Jems
People telling me how much they can’t consider getting to the gate that is a Raw lifestyle, like
When sleeps ballanced we can heal from everything easily & it’s free
Grounding start today
All these lifestyle changes above are awesome but ultimately you might have to deal with the relationships & language you have built around food
Rather than for an instant state change
Eat to remain energized
Fully charged on Raw Electric Nutrients
Enjoy this whole Website!
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