Question All Authority:
When health fundimentals are clear to you, you will easily see through company’s whos focus is profit & repeat business for life
This is a resource that still has lots to share so keep checking back or ask questions
You are going to love what’s on it’s way
Check out these YouTube Playlists:
So much information from experts speeking out here, understand where some ideas come from & how studies where funded & who gains most from results, as well as getting clear on all the side effects before starting any protocal knowmatter who is recommending it. Side effects are effects that come in time ,they are just not the ones that are being pushed at first. Love your gut & brain and do nothing that might harm them for short term relief over effort & lifestyle changes
Remember you can and will repair yourself in the right environment
Explore ideas from sucsessful people getting the results your aiming for, love conferences, podcasts, interviews or just vlogs of people sharing the story’s of there sucsess. From here you can make informed desitions and know why things are inproving
Through this site and garanteed a response.
Social networking comments and questions are good but might slip through the net