There is Breathing Styles to fit every environment, challenge & to get us into optimal safe healing zone.Breath pattern utilisation gets you in the best state to enjoy & overcome any challenges . You just have to turn up & do your best in each session Practice your favourites until they become natural tools you can harness @will & Test new styles to continue growing, gain inner standing & knowledge of easy ways to incorporate these Amazing tools to combat modern lifestyles & ensure you stay in desired brain frequency at will
Master gentle patterns first
Now experiment with controling Tempo Pressure & Duration
Multiple styles to practice bellow
Breath of Fire | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | Pranayama Series
Light, Slow & Deep Breathing Exercises | Improve Immune System | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Advanced Power Breathing | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
DMT Breathing Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Lymph Cleansing Breathing Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | Breathing Exercises
Box Breathing Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | Pranayama Series
Use This Breathing Exercise To Lower Anxiety
Humming Breath Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | Pranayama Series
Deep Sleep Breathing Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Throat Breathing Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | Breathing Exercises
Deep Breathing & Retention Technique | Jungle Sounds | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Calm Breathing Exercises for Anxiety | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Breathing Exercises for Covid | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercises | Shodhana Pranayama | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Cleansing Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief | Pranayama | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Ujjayi Breathing Exercise | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | Pranayama Series
Humming Breathing Exercises for Stress and Relaxation | Bhramari Pranayama | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
NEW SLOWER Deep Breathing & Retention 5 rounds | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Guided Breathing (3 rounds with onscreen timer)
Deep Breathing & Retention Technique | No Talking | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Guided Breathing Breathing Technique | Heavy Rain | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
DMT Inspired Deep Breathing Exercises | 3 Rounds | TAKE A DEEP BREATH
Emotional Release Breathing | DMT Inspired Breathing Exercises | TAKE A DEEP BREATH | tadb
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