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Naturally produce DMT internally

May 5, 2022

This powerful chemical found in % in all plant life and produced by us internally when the conditions are rights,dmt has many purposes that you will enjoy effects of, so lets commit to resetting your circadian rhythm, make a plan, follow through & start to produce & experience all the benefits of DMT naturally.

Main ways to ensure we are creating & experiencing dmt while we sleep starts with our circadian rhythm. See the video below. When your circadian rhythm is in tune our hormones will be balanced ,from here you’ll be in a great emotional state to enjoy an make dissisons from. If you go back to bad habits thats anothers story but it will be much easier to make healthy choices when you feel good , new powerful habits can & will be created in

Circadian Rhythm Reset

There are various breathing exercises that will gift you a short tearm breakthrough if you want a taste of these special powerful states ,see link above

Health brings states that most have never even imagined possible, like a caterpillar & a butterfly human beings are capable of lifes that are vast upgragde from the starting point aka normal waking state, all it takes is commitment to health & avoiding the instant gratification that is on offer through modern day stimulus & enviroments

Test it for yourself!

Cleanse with Raw food

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